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Posts tagged ‘full of grace’


In Honor of Kristi Lynn

August 11, 2011, the day after Mom died, was the 20th anniversary of my marriage to Kristi Lynn Lobitz. It was unlike any other anniversary before it, FULL of Grace.

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The events leading up to this anniversary left me little time to plan a celebration, buy a present, or select a card. I have typically been a very creative planner of special events that have included surprise trips, weekend getaways and thoughtful or sometimes handmade gifts. I have often begun to plan some events months in advance, but there have been a few, for sure, that just never hit my radar until too late. In years gone by the obviousness of my oversight would have been bitterly received as if I cared little for her as a person, a special creation, an image bearer of the Most High God and are burned into her memory…and mine. I admit now that my previous oversights that included card and present shopping on the day of the event had more to do with my selfishness than my circumstance, and the hurt it caused was real.

But this time, it was FULL of Grace.

In a way this anniversary was the best because it allowed me to see just how far we have come, and gives me hope for just how far we will go. There were no demands or expectations outside of just being with me in my grief. We have journeyed a long way since those early days of dining at the buffet of selfishness.

Kristi, you are God’s greatest gift to me.

You have shown me forgiveness beyond what I could have expected.

You have held me to a higher standard.

You have made me a better father…a better man…a better person.

You are the mother I dreamed my children would have.

You have grown into a compassionate woman full of wisdom and grace.

You are a radiant bride whose gaze can still make my heart race.

You have been and continue to be a tremendous friend.

We have danced in minefields and sailed into many storms.

I am thankful you keep promises.

I am glad God gave me you to dance, and sail, and walk through this life.

By the way, Andrew Peterson, thanks for this song!