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Archive for May, 2010



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I’m not sure if the stats Mike quotes below include those under the influence of drugs in the drunk driving stats, because DUI can include anything from pain killers to alcohol, but I think he has a point that either DUI penalties need to be stiffer or a different form of punishment needs to be employed for non-violent drug offenders. I don’t think that legalization is the answer, but somebody should be thinking creatively about it.

Maybe one of you have an idea. I’d love to see your comments.

People of the Second Chance

Comments | May 6th, 2010 7:44:54 am


Posted by Mike Foster: Follow Mike On Twitter

I think it is time to rethink our strategies and attitudes about the “War on Drugs.”

Stats show that close to 60% of inmates in state prison are convicted non-violent drug offenders.

Many of these offenders are locked up in privatized prisons and can cost states up to $30,000 per prisoner/per year.

Studies verify the “War On Drugs” unfairly impacts black people (especially black men) in sentencing and arrests. The facts are scary. So is the injustice.

Drunk drivers kill more people each year then drugs. Drunk driving is typically a misdemeanor but if you’re caught with drugs you’re doing 5 years.

Time to rethink all of our ideas and beliefs about this?

I’m curious on your thoughts?


What is the world searching for?

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Mike Foster posted this over at

My question is should the Church put its resources toward the areas where Jesus is searched for the most or the areas where something else has the attention of the culture?

What do you think?

I was fascinated by this. Floating Sheep generated this graph which represents online references to one search term more than others.

Green circle represents more references to Allah than Buddha, Hindu, Jesus or sex.

1. America is more interested in sex than Jesus. Same with Europe.

2. India is searching for Hindu more than anything else.

3. Africa doesn’t have the internet yet. (just kidding)

4. South America is searching for Jesus.

Your thoughts? Are you surprised?


Feliz Cinco de Mayo – Pop Quiz

I’ll post the results throughout the day.