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Archive for January, 2009


Greg Nettle – The Greatest Challenge in the next decade

We are going to be forced to deal with questions surrounding loving homosexuals. With California now inviting couples to come and be married it will involve recognition by government, and the church must be prepared to speak truth in love into this situation.

We need to answer questions like:

Do you baptize a same sex couple who has been legally married if they confess faith?
How do you teach scripture without generating homophobes?
How can you best minister to people who have a pro homosexual lifestyle?


More of Chuck Booher

Book or Resource:  CEO Toolkit, a measurement tool called the T12 has been very effective.
They track baptisms, offering, attendance, decisions to rededicate or 1st time.
Tony Evans sermon on Tithing is off the charts.
24% of their people tithe
They demand that the staff and elders tithe, and they check.
How do you attract level 10 leaders
1.  Train and Raise up Leaders from within.
2.  Have BIG Goals
3.  Be super transparent
4.  Manage well
After Chuck came in they purged the rolls and had everyone sign a membership contract.  Four things people agreed to do were tithe, in Word every day, serving in a ministry, and in a small group.  Went from 22,000 to about 1,000 on rolls.
Quotes and summary
“We live in a world today that desperately want to see the church be the church.”
“People don’t want to give anything to a church just to help them flush the toilets and turn on the lights.  But if you can show them that you are changing the world, then they will make substantial sacrifice.”
They are not building a church that “is for everybody.”  They are building a church of sold out followers of Christ.  They seek God, and want seekers to see them seeking God, but they want the guy cheating on his wife to be uncomfortable, and the unbeliever to feel like something out of this world is happening at Crossroads.


Chuck Booher – Crossroads Christian Church

The church had over $500k of unpaid bills when Chuck took over and were 6 months from closing the doors of a church of over 2000 in attendance.  Water and electric were threatening to cut off service. Worship pastor was having an affair.  Another staff person was living with her boyfriend.  It was an overwhelming problem.
First 3/4 of Chuck’s first year they baptized 480 people.

In 40 days they raised $640,000
Paid off all past due bills in a year.
In the next year they baptized 738 people
Have highest attendance in church’s history
Worship pastor had an affair, fired him, then offered him restoration.  He’s been restored in ministry in another church.
It’s hard to tell this story in writing.  I wish you all were here to hear it, because a miracle really happened here and it is continuing.