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Posts from the ‘Widows and Orphans’ Category


End Malaria Day

Today is End Malaria Day. This is a preventable disease that kills 750,000 people every year. The most vulnerable being widows and orphans in sub-equitorial Africa. Sleeping under a net is all it takes to help save lives. Today, if you buy a book loaded with essays by some of the top business authors all of the proceeds go to provide a mosquito net. Check out


Could you forgive Emmanuel?

It takes great faith to receive forgiveness for our sin, and when our sin can involve the murder of family we most often see family cry for vengeance.

It also takes great faith to grant forgiveness to one who has done the sin…for the family who has lost their loved ones to forgive the repentant murderer.


I wonder which one takes more faith, to live a life forgiven or to live a life forgiving?


After watching this short video it is glaringly apparent that the life Jesus calls us to requires us to answer three questions:

Could I forgive Emmanuel?

Could I walk through forgiveness as he has?

Would I be willing to bring peace between the two?

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Thanks to POTSC.COM for sharing.


GIVE THEM WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m not sure if I can, or should say what I want to say.

I heard a tragic story of the upbringing of a co-worker today. You’d never guess just how dysfunctional her childhood was in relation to her current situation of life. I’ll save her story for another day, but in reality while what she endured was a tragedy in this country it still pales in comparison to the children of the Third World.

Watch This!