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Posts from the ‘Grace’ Category


Unconditional = Power

We often fear that enduring someone’s abusive words or actions and being willing to forgive those who participate in them against us somehow makes us weak. See if Joy’s little motivational speech changes your mind. For all of you Harmony folks the ministry she works with may sound pretty familiar.


Happy Tuesday Interruption

I don’t typically interrupt my Happy Tuesday’s with a serious post, but this is a must read.

Sarah Cunningham posts a challenging, insightful, and damning blog at @ Check it out.

Doubletakes: The Infant in the Panhandler

I think I may be picking up “Picking Dandelions” off of my shelf to read after finishing Willard’s “Renovation of the Heart”.


Making Peace – A Sermon, a Site and a Playground

Many expressed an interest in being able to share the “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” sermon with someone. Since switching to the new video camera we are having to take more time converting video to an online format until we get a few more pieces of equipment to make it more seamless. So, after a lot of hard work by Jason Dickerson you can view it here.

I also wanted to point you to who are sharing some things they learned on “Fighting Well.” Having “good fights” enable us to make peace.

Lastly, I wanted to toot the horn of a great company. Ten yeas ago Kristi and I invested in a playground for our three children. We went on a 10 year Anniversary trip to Maine. We drove from Bar Harbor down to Portland on our return and we just happened to pass Cedar Works. They had some amazing playground sets and while they happened to be closed we walked around the grounds and looked in the windows and fell in love with them. Their customer service is top notch, and it was actually fun putting it together. What we didn’t expect is that the playground set was a huge bonus when it came time to sell that house and move to where we are now.

Fast forward 10 years and here we are a family of six. And three of those six LOVE to swing. Every time we pass a playground or a swing set we hear a chorus of “SWING! SWING! SWING!” from the back seats. We called the family who bought our last house to see if they would be interested in selling us the set. To our disappointment their kids still play on it every day and so it was a resounding, “No way! Are you kidding!” So, we priced other playground sets. There were cheaper sets, there were even cheaper cedar sets, but we knew if we wanted to get something that lasted we’d need to get a Cedar Works set. Thankfully the company has continued to grow, pays a living wage, and is involved in reforestation, and to top it all off now they have some more affordable playground sets! They also do some cool indoor stuff. So, by next weekend, I hope to be putting together our second Cedar Works playground set! If you are shopping for one I promise you won’t be disappointed with the product.