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August 26, 2009

Responding to God

Responding to God: (via”

I listen to leaders all the time who talk about substantial experiences with God that seem to fade away with time. But sometimes I come across leaders who put teeth into their experiences with Him, and it lights a fire under them that never fades..a fire that just gets stronger, more passionate and more fulfilling over time. I believe God is looking for people who take seriously their encounters with Him, responding practically and quickly…with faith.

The longer I lead, the more baffling it is to me why some people don’t respond to a prompting from God Himself. I’m talking about legitimate God-inspired whispers that line up with scripture and are processed in community. Why does one person respond to God and another put it off so long the urge to respond is almost indiscernible?

Let me ask you…if you had an encounter with the Holy God and you really believed He met with you and told you some things, why wouldn’t you sort them out with Him? Why wouldn’t you take action? If Warren Buffett called you today with investment advice, don’t you think you’d be inclined to take it? This guy’s the expert. You’d be a fool to ignore him. So why do we treat what the God of the Universe has to say so lightly? He is the author and finisher of our faith…the expert of all experts. And His plans for us are always good.

Why not take Him up on what He’s been whispering to you these days?

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