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December 21, 2009

Spiritual formation or transformation – what are we doing?

Mark Waltz | …because People Matter: Spiritual Formation Isn’t a Department Ministry

Spiritual Formation Isn’t a Department Ministry


Life Formation

Last week Tim Stevens used a similar diagram to illustrate the importance of keeping the weekend service’s purpose clean and clear. In Steven’s words “We are at our best when we focus our weekend services squarely on those who are at the beginning of their spiritual journey…” (read his post here). Some would argue that discipleship happens in some component outside of the weekend. Perhaps in groups. Or maybe a class.

Really? Since when does discipleship happen in a department of ministry?

Dallas Willard points out in his book, Renovation of the Heart, that spiritual formation begins at birth. As in – human birth. Like as a baby. Through our parents, friends, coaches, pastors, culture, life events – good and bad we are daily being formed. Formation is happening. Hence, because all of life is spiritual, spiritual formation happens whether or not we ever make it to church. Our views of God, life, others and ourselves are being formed everyday in every way. That’s spiritual formation.

However, spiritual transformation – or rather – life transformation (it’s all spiritual) occurs through the power and work of the Holy Spirit. And He utilizes what He chooses to transform us. He uses relationships, the Scriptures, biblical teaching, spiritual practices, serving, giving, and life experiences to transform us.

Spiritual transformation has never been a department. Unless you consider the Holy Spirit to be a department.

Our role in the local church is to leverage every venue, every tool, with clear communication to help our people live integrated lives that are step by step surrendered to the work and cause of Christ through His Spirit. Our role is to be responsible to our people by being responsible for environments that help them take their next step in relationship. (For more on this thought, check this out)

What is your church-wide plan for making disciples?

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