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June 24, 2008

Bob Russell – Wise words

Wise Words…

When problems surface in the church and confession is not made but someone is confronted then it is highly likely that there is more to the story.

Whoever wrote, “A picture is worth one thousand words.” used words. So, preach the Bible it will always be relevant.

Key Preaching Principles
1. Preaching will always be relevant.
2. The Bible is the ultimate source of power – rely on it. MEANING: preach fewer “eye catching” topics, make edification main purpose not evangelism, don’t be obsessed with innovation, preach through books of the Bible or on its characters.
3. Study time should be scheduled. MEANING: 20 hours a week in preparation by reading, developing examples, and condensation.
4. Consistency is critical in building a healthy church – maintain it. MEANING: If you can’t bring the sermon with the same energy the week after Easter as you did Easter weekend then get someone else to preach.
5. A sense of passion/intensity is essential for an effective delivery
6. Sharing the whole counsel of God takes courage – preach it!

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