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December 7, 2009

Ministry Is Messy – How Do You Love a Wife Beater?

You know the phrase, “Ignorance is bliss.”

That became more real than ever today as I found out that the husband of a young mother that we assisted yesterday punched her in the face when he found out. It became real when I discovered that it wasn’t the first time. It became real when I discovered that he’s broken bones before. It became real when I found out that the child, who is in Kindergarten, has witnessed it more than once…saw her Daddy beat her Mommy.

You know what we assisted with?

Laundry…we gave her money to do her laundry, his laundry, laundry that she completed then paid for with her face.

The man in me wants to run to her rescue. I am suddenly consumed with a rage that will, in itself, turn violent if I were to see the husband…the father. I am suddenly consumed with an urge to purchase a handgun, and to call some old friends to help me pay a visit.

His excuse for beating her is that he becomes so enraged that he blacks out and doesn’t know what he’s doing.

What a load of #$%^! He knows exactly what he’s doing, and that wicked heart of his likes it.

How do I love this wife and mother who is afraid to involve the police because of what happened the last time he got out of jail for beating her?

How do I love this little girl trapped in a home that could eventually see her victimized?

And here’s where I almost can’t believe I am asking this question and it’s where following Jesus just freaking make no sense, and that is how do I love this man that beats his wife for getting enough money from the church to help do his laundry?

Jesus, how do I love him?

I know that loving him isn’t to excuse his actions, or to ignore pursuing criminal action, or to just pretend that I never heard what I have just heard.

But I just don’t know how to love him?

I am posting this because I want to ask for you to pray for this situation. Yesterday I saw her make a commitment to follow Jesus and today I found out how incredibly difficult that is going to be for her. So, pray.

Otherwise if anyone has dealt with something like this before successfully I’d like to hear from you. Please, leave me a comment. Thanks.

Read more from Life Sucks, Slavery

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