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June 25, 2008

Bob Russell – How to implement change without alienating old timers

1. Revolution in worship is more than music
2. My preferred style of music is not the majority
3. The conflict does not decrease in intensity with time
4. The disagreement is usually generational, but not always
5. Flexibility is necessary on both/all sides
6. Motivations are positive and negative
7. It’s possible to make changes, and not lose harmony

7 Ways to make change
1. Include a hymn or two in every service and sing one in original arrangement.
2. Respect different expressions of worship and don’t demand someone change, ie don’t ask everyone to clap.
3. If involved in leading worship dress modestly and mute suggestive movement
4. Keep amplification and volume reasonable. There is power when people on stage can hear congregation and vice versa.
5. Avoid repetition. Edit songs, old and new, so that they aren’t too repetitive.
6. Leave people wanting more. Limit singing and standing to 10 minutes. “When a member of the body suffers we all suffer.”
7. Take time to listen to people. Even schedule meeting times with multiple generations.

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